Sessions / Younger learners

Connecting digital and traditional learning environments with extensive reading #3200

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Fri, Aug 5, 15:00-15:45 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Friday afternoon

Incorporating extensive reading into digital-forward education opens the doors to new forms of engagement for students. However, applying new technology can create a myriad of struggles for educators who may be less familiar with educational technology. Nevertheless, using reading series’ such as e-Future’s Classic Readers to engage students in a physical space while expanding extensive reading into digital spaces creates a well-rounded educational experience. Traditional educational tools and new technology can develop an attractive blend of digital and physical content that will afford educators the freedom to create a robust classroom experience while being ready for any possible problem that might arise.

Smart Phonics Readers! A Smart Choice for Young Learners! #3304

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Fri, Aug 5, 19:00-19:20 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Friday afternoon

This session will introduce e-future’s exciting new phonics readers series Smart Phonics Readers. This series is specially designed for young EFL learners who are taking their first steps into the wonderful journey of reading. With imaginative stories, colorful illustrations, and systematic phonics practice with fun activities, young learners will build confidence and enjoy reading! Join the session to explore Smart Phonics Readers, the 2022 LLL award finalists!

Stories with Local Content To Instill Cultural Awareness in Young Language Learners #3173

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Sat, Aug 6, 12:30-13:15 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Saturday

When young learners are finally able to read their own books in the target language learned, it definitely is not merely an instant process of alphabet recognition or spelling. Long before the day arrives, they should have been enduring a process which should be a complete discovery of meaning and cultural values in which they are brought upon. It is linear to Ki Hajar Dewantara—Indonesian’s Father of Education—strong belief that exposure to dolanan (game), tembang (song/chant), drama or play, dongeng (stories) with local and culturally rich content are ideal tools to facilitate young learners. This practice-based findings reveal cultural value awareness and immersion as learners are exposed to poster stories, puppet show stories, children pictorial books, and articles with local content. Several methods applied and discussed are: reading aloud, story telling, comparing and analyzing cultural values within stories and learners’ local culture, and also opinion giving.

Young Learners #3319

Sat, Aug 6, 21:00-23:00 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Saturday later

Join the breakout room for a discussion on Young Learners.

Cancelled How Can Reading Aloud to Children Promote Language Acquisition? #3234

Sun, Aug 7, 09:30-09:50 Asia/Tokyo CANCELLED

This speech will share my thoughts on reading aloud and how it can affect children’s language acquisition. As a father, I’ve been recording my daughter’s literacy progress over the years. Reading aloud proves to be a vital factor that promotes her language literacy. Based on this case study, I’ve been actively promoting reading aloud to families around China. This speech aims to report the efforts and efficacies of reading aloud English children’s books to Chinese kids and arouse the interest and motivation of promoting this method in communities far and wide.

The speech will be divided into four major parts: One side of the story: language learning vs acquisition The other side of the story: Why I read aloud to my daughter Case study: The literacy development through reading aloud Mission: Promoting read-aloud to Chinese families

Fanreading: Make ER a ritual like brushing teeth #3181

Sun, Aug 7, 17:00-17:45 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Sunday afternoon

English should be learnt not only from the textbooks, but in the daily life. ER is a must for all people who want to learn the language. There are many obstacles to practicing ER in China although all people agree it is important. We are trying to help teachers and parents of young kids to overcome some problems by using the Fanreading platform and AI devices and make ER a ritual like brushing teeth. It is too difficult for kids to choose books by themselves when they have little knowledge of English and most parents also can't help. Fanreading provides an easy-to-use graded reader database to choose books by levels, series, and key words on Mobile and webpage. There is no school time for ER, while it is easy to lend books to kids to read at home, most parents are unable to help them. Fanreading allows teachers to record their lessons on the platform and push it to the kids automatically. Little kids don't have smartphones, and many parents also don't want their kids to use them in case kids are not learning on them. The Fanreading platform is connected to AI devices that are portable, and can be synchronized with a smartphone so kids can have their own English learning tool while parents can observe the students' activity.

Irene /

Tell Me All About it! Speaking Activities with Graded Readers #3227

Sun, Aug 7, 21:00-21:20 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Sunday later

When we let students choose stories on topics they like and choose, and can read easily, then we have so many opportunities to get them speaking. They can discuss characters and narratives, but they can also respond with opinions and feelings about messages, ideas and conflict in narratives. They can use illustrations as prompts for mini-presentations or storytelling activities. They can compare them with film versions, re-enact scenes for drama and do many different role plays. And above all, they can interact together with the books in a meaningful way on their own terms, in a supportive and creative language learning environment. This workshop presents lots of ideas for using readers to get young learners speaking, and to see that reading is so much more than a series of texts for teaching language.