
Younger learners Practice-based Short Session (20 minutes)

Cancelled How Can Reading Aloud to Children Promote Language Acquisition?

Sun, Aug 7, 09:30-09:50 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Sunday

This speech will share my thoughts on reading aloud and how it can affect children’s language acquisition. As a father, I’ve been recording my daughter’s literacy progress over the years. Reading aloud proves to be a vital factor that promotes her language literacy. Based on this case study, I’ve been actively promoting reading aloud to families around China. This speech aims to report the efforts and efficacies of reading aloud English children’s books to Chinese kids and arouse the interest and motivation of promoting this method in communities far and wide.

The speech will be divided into four major parts: One side of the story: language learning vs acquisition The other side of the story: Why I read aloud to my daughter Case study: The literacy development through reading aloud Mission: Promoting read-aloud to Chinese families