
All levels Practice-based Short Session (20 minutes)

ERF Affiliates Report

Sun, Aug 7, 15:00-15:20 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Sunday afternoon

Each of the ERF's affiliates and forming affiliates will present their activities in the past year in a 2-3 minute presentation to the ERF Board. This might include officer changes, events held, constitutional changes and so forth. Each affiliate and forming affiliate should also present on their upcoming plans. The ER public encouraged to attend to see how these ER associations work behind the scenes and potentially use this information to start their own ERF Affiliate.

  • Rob Waring

    Dr. Rob Waring, is Emeritus Professor at Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama. He is an acknowledged expert in Extensive Reading and vocabulary acquisition. He has published over 60 articles and has given hundreds of lectures, plenaries and featured speaker presentations in 32 countries. He is an Executive Board member of the Extensive Reading Foundation responsible for the promotion of Extensive Reading globally. He is also author and series editor of a six series of graded readers by various publishers and has recently published Teaching Extensive Reading in Another Language with Paul Nation. He is Chair of ERAW2 2022.