Rob Waring


Dr. Rob Waring, is Emeritus Professor at Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama. He is an acknowledged expert in Extensive Reading and vocabulary acquisition. He has published over 60 articles and has given hundreds of lectures, plenaries and featured speaker presentations in 32 countries. He is an Executive Board member of the Extensive Reading Foundation responsible for the promotion of Extensive Reading globally. He is also author and series editor of a six series of graded readers by various publishers and has recently published Teaching Extensive Reading in Another Language with Paul Nation. He is Chair of ERAW2 2022.


All levels English as a Foreign Language Reading Survey 2022 more

Sun, Aug 7, 12:00-12:20 Asia/Tokyo

This presentation will outline the goals of the Global Foreign Language Reading Survey 2022 (GFLRS 2022). GFLRS will survey teachers from all over the world to examine their perceptions of how foreign language reading should be taught in kindergarten, formal schooling, university and in adult education. GFLRS will illuminate the teachers' perceptions of the place of extensive reading in the foreign language curriculum and how it is practiced by those teachers who are doing ER and will find out why many teachers and institutions are reluctant to do ER, the barriers they face before adoption and what we can do to persuade them to adopt ER. Attendees will first hear a brief summary of the project and will be encouraged to highlight areas in the survey that might need to be modified for certain regions to account for local conditions. Finally, participants can sign up to be part of the survey either as subjects or recruiters who will find subjects. All non-personally or institutionally identifying data will be made available to the public.

Mintra Puripunyavanich Rob Waring

All levels ERF Affiliates Report more

Sun, Aug 7, 15:00-15:20 Asia/Tokyo

Each of the ERF's affiliates and forming affiliates will present their activities in the past year in a 2-3 minute presentation to the ERF Board. This might include officer changes, events held, constitutional changes and so forth. Each affiliate and forming affiliate should also present on their upcoming plans. The ER public encouraged to attend to see how these ER associations work behind the scenes and potentially use this information to start their own ERF Affiliate.

Rob Waring

All levels How to do Extensive reading with few resources and no money more

Sat, Aug 6, 13:30-15:30 Asia/Tokyo

Join the breakout room to ask and answer questions. Please watch the video before joining the session. The presenter will be available to take questions about any of the topics brought up in the video. Participants will also have chances to add their own ideas.

Rob Waring

All levels ER 101: The absolute basics more

Fri, Aug 5, 20:00-22:00 Asia/Tokyo

Join the breakout room to ask and answer questions. Please watch the video before joining the session. The presenter will be available to take questions about any of the topics brought up in the video. Participants will also have chances to add their own idea.

Rob Waring

Opening Ceremony more

Fri, Aug 5, 08:50-09:00 Asia/Tokyo

Welcome to the second online Extensive Reading Around the World!

Rob Waring Wendy M. Gough

Closing Ceremony more

Sun, Aug 7, 21:55-22:00 Asia/Tokyo

Thank you and look forward to seeing you in Indonesia.

Rob Waring Wendy M. Gough