
All levels Practice-based Long Session (45 minutes)

The impossible dream achieved: Introducing a coursebook for Extensive Reading

Permission to Record
Sat, Aug 6, 11:30-12:15 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Saturday

Many language teachers implement Extensive Reading in their classes in the knowledge that it will benefit learners’ language development. However, it can be difficult to create entire courses around ER, and some institutions require a compulsory textbook for each course. This presentation describes the development (and completion) of a four-skills coursebook seamlessly integrating an ER program through Xreading.com. The book is designed with a task-based approach and features engaging and relevant topics for learners.

  • Paul Leeming

    I have been working in Japan for more than 20 years, and am now a professor at Kindai University. My research interests are motivation and TBLT, and I have written a textbook series, On Task, which takes a task-based approach to language teaching. I am a member of the JALT TBLT SIG.