
School Practice-based Short Session (20 minutes)

Combining Extensive Reading and Environmental Protection

Sun, Aug 7, 16:30-16:50 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Sunday afternoon

This presentation describes a project that involved senior high school students in Malaysia in an English class where they did extensive reading in preparation for educating younger students about actions everyone could take to reduce climate change. In groups of 4-5, guided by cooperative learning principles, students chose their own environmental topics, researched them (mostly online), and prepared posters and other materials. The technique Gallery Tour was used in which the groups of older students stationed themselves and their materials around the classroom, and the younger students visiting from another class circulated among the various host groups who explained their ideas and fielded questions and comments. Extensive reading was involved in the initial preparation of the materials, in their refinement, and in responding to the questions and other feedback from the visiting class.

  • George Jacobs

    George enjoys freelancing in paid and volunteer capacities He believes that ER can be part of the foundation for student-centered education and citizen-centered society. His most recent book, co-edited with Graham Crookes, is Becoming Community-Centered Educators (Springer).


    A secondary school teacher and an enthusiastic ER practitioner. Recently been involved in e-flipbooks, by students for students. The e-poster for the flipbooks: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/912cc87a99.html