
All levels Practice-based Short Session (20 minutes)

Extensive Reading Podcasting: Community Sharing and Empowering

Sun, Aug 7, 10:30-10:50 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Sunday

Community sharing and empowering on extensive reading can be supported and done through various means. Starting from early 2020, free online workshops and webinars on extensive reading have flourished to help the community to stay updated, enriched, and connected due to COVID-19. Indonesian Extensive Reading Association (IERA) took this opportunity to create an online platform for ER community in the form of a podcast. A podcast is an open source that provides varied series of discussions on certain topics. The podcast that we are going to share is “satERdate with” podcast which focuses on extensive reading and literacy. “satERdate with” invited ER experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts to share theories, insights, and their best practices. This presentation emphasizes the possibility of using a podcast as an online community sharing and empowering on ER. In addition, we will also highlight how the podcast can be used as a free authentic extensive reading online resource for academic purposes.