
School Research-based Short Session (20 minutes)

Extensive reading and critical reading skills and in the EFL classroom

Sat, Aug 6, 09:00-09:20 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Saturday

This action research study, conducted with 13 eleventh grade students from a public school in Piedecuesta, Colombia, was focused on establishing how the implementation of an Extensive Reading technique in the EFL learning school context contributed to the development of critical reading skills in L2. Diagnostic tests, video recordings, teacher’s journal and students’ diaries, and posttests were used as instruments to gather information to determine any improvement. The results revealed the positive impact ER had in the classroom to foster students’ reading process. In such a way, the participants demonstrated the use of different reading strategies to deal with texts, and the teacher-researcher reflection upon her pedagogical praxis during pandemic collected valuable information of the remote educational processes and its difficulties.

  • Karen Julieth Layton Layton

    I am an English Teacher at Humberto Gómez Nigrinis school, in Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia. I studied English Teaching and a Master in Pedagogy at Universidad Industrial de Santander.